average well EUR

average well EUR

Source: EURs: NEB analysis of IHS-Performance Evaluator data, Fracture stages: IHS Performance Evaluator data

Description: This graph shows the estimated ultimate recoveries of natural gas as based on the average Montney gas wells. Montney gas wells drilled in 2006 are expected to recover less than 2 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of gas. Montney wells drilled after 2006 are expected to recover an escalating amount of gas, with 7.2 Bcf for wells drilled in 2016.

This graph shows the average number of fracture stages applied to Montney Formation wells. The number of fracture stages has increased from about 9 in Montney gas wells drilled from 2006 to 2009 to 32 in wells drilled in 2017.

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