New technologies will help keep energy costs low and offer more sustainable and greener energy future, says US energy group
Industry association Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) says that advancements in new technology and innovation through techniques and materials will directly have an impact on affordable energy prices in 2018, according to a press release.
The popularity and increasing affordability of traditional energy and renewable resources, coupled with the race to optimize access to our resources and build smarter cities, is ushering in a new era for U.S. energy development.
“It has never been more important to marry technological innovation with environmental solutions to help build a stronger, more resilient energy future for our country,” said David Holt, president of Washington-based CEA.
CEA’s “Campaign for America’s Energy” has identified five key trends likely to change the future energy landscape in the coming years. The next year promises to see the floodgates open on new innovation in the following five key areas:
- Increased Popularity of Solar, Wind and Other Renewables – Building a smarter energy future means putting sustainability first and bridging the gap between new technology and natural resources;
- Offshore Development – Energy independence and more competitive pricing to help keep American energy prices affordable;
- Pipelines – The new regulatory and policy backdrop, coupled with greener energy standards, are helping leverage this key piece of infrastructure in the United States to help keep the cost of energy low for consumers;
- Grid Modernization – New energy infrastructure will be more resilient, efficient and environmentally friendly; and
- Smart City – The ability to leverage advanced technologies to connect communications networks and integrate renewables into a modernized electric grid.
“It is important that our policymakers work together to find policies that help to ensure that energy is affordable for all citizens, including low-income families and small businesses, by offering a roadmap for a brighter future for generations to come. We cannot give in to a loud and unrelenting minority. It’s our chance to show how energy and the environment can go hand-in-hand to not only ease the burden on our wallets, but to meet our climate goals as well,” concluded Holt.
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