EIA explores effects of weather projections on energy consumption in buildings

Nearly half of the energy consumption in US buildings in 2021 was used for heating and cooling, according to the US EIA.

The EIA's recent report "Issues in Focus analysis on alternative weather assumptions" highlights how different long-term weather projections affect energy consumption in the US residential and commercial sectors.

This article was published by the US Energy Information Administration on June 8, 2022.

By Kevin Jarzomski

Nearly half of energy consumption in US buildings in 2021 was used for heating and cooling, according to modelled estimates in our Annual Energy Outlook 2022 (AEO2022) Reference case. An Issues in Focus analysis on alternative weather assumptions highlights how different long-term weather projections affect space heating and space cooling demand in the US residential and commercial sectors.

U.S. population-weighted heating and cooling degree days and buildings energy consumption

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2022

In the full analysis, we modified assumptions for future heating degree days (HDDs) and cooling degree days (CDDs)—indicators of space heating and space cooling energy demand, respectively—to show how those weather assumptions affect energy prices, electricity generation, and energy-related emissions.

In our Reference case, we assume that future heating and cooling degree days in each state follow a linear trend based on the previous 30 years. These state-level values are weighted by population to form census division and national values. We assume that the past trend of migrations to warmer and drier climates within the United States will continue. Cases in the analysis include assumptions based on warmer or cooler weather than in the Reference case, and they also contrast future trends based on using the previous 10 years instead of the previous 30 years of historical data.

In the Cooler case, consumption of energy in residential and commercial buildings in the United States is 12 per cent higher in 2050 than in the Reference case because of increasing fossil fuel demand for space heating. In the Warmer case, demand for space cooling leads to 4 per cent more purchased electricity consumption in buildings by 2050 compared with the Reference case.

Weather-driven changes to energy demand in U.S. buildings lead to variation in fuel prices in all sectors in these cases. U.S. average electricity prices are 8 per cent higher in 2050 in the Warmer case than in the Reference case due, in part, to increased use of natural gas to meet generation demand from the electric power sector for space cooling in the summer. Average electricity prices are lower in the Cooler case than in the Reference case as a result of lower peak summer demand and differences in the mix of fuels used to generate that electricity.

More fossil fuel consumption in the Cooler case and 12 per cent more delivered energy consumption in buildings by 2050 lead to 24 per cent more direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from residential and commercial buildings in 2050 than in the Reference case. The Warmer case results in 5 per cent less delivered energy consumption in buildings and 15 per cent less direct CO2 emissions from residential and commercial buildings.

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2022



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